Tue 4th June | 6-9pm | Mansions of the Future
New writing in response to what’s happening right now.
A spaceship orbiting the earth. A stand-up comedian on the verge of a breakdown. A domestic disappearance act. An interpreter taking over the interpreted. All these stories share the stage at Mansions of the Future to ask what is happening now, and how we can ‘Write Now’ in response.
University of Lincoln’s MA Theatre students share new writing they have made as part of their Writing for Theatre module. MA Theatre aims to give graduates a 360-degree professional experience of making, writing, watching and reading theatre. This is the first time these plays will be shared with an audience.
The MA Theatre showcase is part of the Festival of Creativity happening across Lincoln from 28th May until 7th June 2019.
Tickets: This is a FREE EVENT but booking is essential: BOOK HERE
Follow @TheatreUoL for updates and further info