BA Drama & Theatre Degree Show Festival: Hello Yellow

Hello Yellow by The KettleHead Collective

Five performers (four female and one male) posed in front of a large sign which reads 'HELLO YELLOW'. The performers are in various positions in the foreground and background, sitting and standing on bollards outside a building. All performers are looking at the camera, wearing blue dungarees, a black t-shirt and yellow netted ruffle around their neck.
Image provided by the Company

Part of LSFPA BA Drama & Theatre Degree Show Festival | 4-8th June 2021

Saturday 5th June | 6.30pm | Lincoln Performing Arts Centre 

Live Premiere for Staff and Students Only (C-19 Restrictions) |  Online After 5th June

Follow a group of curious beings in a performance described as “CBeebies meets Dada” as they explore the world to discover something wonderful…

Hello Yellow by KettleHead Collective combines movement, poetry, music and more (along with a healthy helping of nonsense) to rediscover our world by pushing the boundaries of human perception.

Providing light relief in a time of need, Hello Yellow promises irreverence, joy and wonder in a 50-minute performance extravaganza. The world around us may appear dull, but when you look at it from a different angle, you uncover an entire new universe. Come and experience it for yourself!

“Child-like… in the best way possible” – Audience Response

Devised and Performed by KettleHead Collective

Tickets: FREE EVENT | Booking: Follow @kettleheadcollective on Instagram/Facebook or email to receive it direct to your inbox

Intended Audience: Suitable for All

Key Words: Playful, Irreverent, Uplifting, Joyful, Performance, Online


Lincoln School of Creative Arts