The Lincoln Company 2024/25 – Applications OPEN!

Apply now to join The Lincoln Company, Lincoln School of Creative Arts’ company of emerging theatre, dance, art and performance makers!

We are the University of Lincoln’s Company-in-Residence at Lincoln Arts Centre and each year we work to produce and tour high-quality, original performance to venues and festivals around the UK. The company is managed by the members who take on a variety of roles within the company including performing, writing, directing, producing, marketing and providing technical support for our performance work. You can find out more about us here.

Membership is through application, and company members include a mixture of current students, graduates, professional theatre makers, and practising staff from Lincoln School of Creative Arts, based at the University of Lincoln.

Membership is open to ALL current students from ALL programmes across the school, and there are a number of ways you can get involved…


As an active member of the company, you’ll get involved in performing, making decisions about the projects we undertake, and the work we create and tour, all while building your experience. You’ll also be expected to attend regular meetings and to support and value your fellow company members. We welcome the enthusiastic, the proactive, and those who enjoy working as a team to achieve something bigger than the sum of its parts!

DEADLINE: Friday 18th OCTOBER 2024 by 4pm.


There is a lot of work, both on and off-stage, that goes into making our work successful and we recruit regularly for the following roles:

  • Co-Producer (Student) (for those interested in learning the role for 2025/26)
  • General Manager (for those interested in learning the role for 2025/26)
  • Marketing (Branding) (for those interested in learning the role for 2025/26)
  • Marketing (Engagement) (for those interested in learning the role for 2025/26)
  • Technical Manager (for those interested in learning the role for 2025/26)
  • Sustainability Officer (for those interested in learning the role for 2025/26)
  • Musical Director (Post Open now)


Each role is mentored and supported, so you don’t need to have a lot of experience, but we will encourage you to step up, take the lead, and be proactive and professional. Taking on a role does not stop you from performing or being part of company projects, and we are happy to discuss role sharing.

We’re also committed to listening so if there is role you’d like to offer or create that is not listed here,  please get in contact via:

DEADLINE: Friday 18th OCTOBER 2024 by 4pm.

HOW TO APPLY: Application is by Expression of Interest (sometimes called an EOI or Cover Letter). This is a short piece of writing that introduces you and your work, briefly outlines some of your skills and experience so far, and provides clear, specific reasons why you think you are a good fit for the role.

There is an additional box on the membership form for you to tell us which role you are interested in and why.

Top Tips:

  • An EOI should be succinct – we are looking for no more than 300 words for this opportunity
  • This is not a CV – consider using a few quality examples of how you’ve worked or used your skills previously rather than trying to list everything!
  • Make sure you have read the Role Description carefully and that you make direct reference to it, as well as the work of the Company.
  • If you would like to chat about the roles or about your EOI then please get in touch (well before the deadline!) via

What else?  

We also want to hear from anyone interested in working with the company in the following areas – we’d love to hear your thoughts on how we might work together:

  • Choreography
  • Composition and sound design
  • Set design
  • Costume
  • Prop making
  • Film-making
  • Graphic Design

Please get in touch via if you have an idea you’d like to discuss.

We are welcoming, considerate and respectful of each other, generous with our support and feedback, and interested in making the very best possible performance work that is accessible to all.

Lincoln School of Creative Arts