The Lincoln Company is Lincoln School of Creative Arts’
company of emerging theatre, dance, art and performance makers.

We are the University of Lincoln’s company-in-residence at Lincoln Arts Centre and each year we work to produce and tour high-quality, original performance to venues and festivals around the UK.
The company is managed by the members who can take on a variety of roles within the company including performing, writing, directing, producing, marketing and providing technical support for our performance work.
Membership is through application, and company members include a mixture of current students, graduates, professional theatre makers, and practising staff from Lincoln School of Creative Arts, based at the University of Lincoln.
The Lincoln Company Team 2023/24
General Manger | Coralie Palmer
Co-Producers | Rachel Baynton [Staff] & James Baker [Student]
Marketing Officer | Katie Seller
TLC Musical Director | post vacant
TLC Choreographer | Keely Parry
Technical Managers | Kieran Nisbet & Juno Stafford
Sustainability Officer | Juno Stafford
LSCA Team 2023/24
LSCA Associate Professor – Creative Engagement Producer |Â Rachel Baynton
LSCA Creative Lead | Ollie Smith [Lecturer Drama & Theatre]
LSCA Production Manager | Dan Firth
Creative & Executive Director of Lincoln Arts Centre | Ben Anderson
Head of LSCA | Professor Andrew Westerside
Current Members
Alice KellyBeth Gowler
Bryony McNaught [Marketing Officer 2022-24] Catherine Anderson [Marketing Officer 2022/23] Charlotte Coope Coralie Palmer [General Manager 2023/24] Courtney Walker Daniel Kemp |
Ellen Cross Ellie Bowers Eva Hiles Eve Herrick Freya Young Grace Jepson Helvio Verdial De Araujo Jack Davey Jake Lomax
James Baker [Co-Producer 2023/24] Jessica Aggett Jessie Ivy Baron Joseph Pearson Juno Stafford [Sustainability Officer 2022-24] Katie Seller Kieran Nisbet Lauren Davies [Technical Manager 2022-24]
Liz Burman Maia Constantinides Sarah Dodman Scarlet Hall [Marketing Officer 2022/23] Sophie Croke Stephanie Johnson Tomsk Bromley Vicky McColl William Smith Willow Gordon
Graduate Members
Anastasia Church
Henry Bryan (General Manager 2022/23)
William Dennison (Co-Producer 2022/23)

Each year we work to research, develop and produce original performance works, for inclusion in events, programmes and festivals: These pieces might be proposed by members, or led by visiting professional artists. In the past we’ve taken work to different audiences, theatre’s and festivals including the Edinburgh Festival Fringe – the world’s largest gathering of audiences, artists, directors, producers, promoters and presenters.
We try to take our shows-in-development to showcases and scratch events so we can receive feedback on the work, access opportunities for networking and additional training, and help build the skills everyone involved in making our work great.
Many Lincoln Company Alumni have gone on to form professional companies of their own, including Flickbook Theatre who embarked on an Arts Council England Funded UK tour, Backpack Ensemble who won three major awards at the 2018 NSDF (including the Sunday Times Play-writing Award) and were invited to perform at Sprint Festival 2018 and The Pleasance, Echo Echo Echo and Push to Shove who we supported to take their work to Edinburgh 2017 and have since both been awarded public funding, and Eggbox Theatre who are based in the East Midlands and specialise in interactive theatre for very young audiences. We have supported these alumni companies through access to resources, advice and support, and are incredibly proud of them and their successes.