TLC Member’s Area

Applications for Company Leadership Roles are currently closed.

JOB DESCRIPTIONS  are available on request

Take a look below for more info on member-led activity including work-in-progress, talks, skilling-up sessions, and other general brilliance.

All members are welcome at everything listed – get in touch with our GM Henry Bryan, or with the named contact next to the event to find out more and get involved.

Keep an eye on the members Facebook page for details and times of upcoming events.

If you have an idea for something the company could be doing to support our professional development, or that you might like to help make happen, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact our Skilling-up Committee (TLC SUC!) for a chat via or the members Facebook page.



A brand new arts and culture podcast – coming soon!

The leader of the session is self-nominated each week in order to give everyone a chance both to experience running the sessions and taking part in others’ tasks.

Led by: TLC PODCAST | Contact: Staff Rep. Danny Ridealgh

Creative Writing Cannonballs

In these weekly workshop sessions, members of the company meet to share some creative writing tasks, in order to further their practices and pick up hints and tips from one another – a great platform to create and share new work with a safe and supportive group.

The leader of the session is self-nominated each week in order to give everyone a chance both to experience running the sessions and taking part in others’ tasks.

Led by: TLC SUC! | Contact: GM Henry Bryan

Crash Course Lecture Series

In this series of informal sessions we’re inviting staff from across the University to share some of their (sometimes otherwise hidden) talents with members of the company. Through talks, Q&As and interactive tasks (currently being held through Zoom sessions), staff members are invited to share their knowledge and passion for their field with everyone.

Upcoming guests include MA Music Programme Leader Cassandre Barlosso-Bardin on founding International Bagpipe Day, LSFPA Head of School Andrew Westerside on how he became a pro-wrestling ring-announcer, and MA Theatre Programme Leader Jacqueline Bolton on how she became the expert on acclaimed playwright, Simon Stephens.

Led by: TLC SUC! | Contact: GM Henry Bryan

Jedi Becomes the Master: Alumni Talks

Current members are inviting our precious Lincoln Company alumni to return to the ‘shire and tell us of their travels! We’re really proud of what they’ve accomplished since graduating from the company – whether it’s performing, establishing a company or organisation, arts facilitation, administration, education, producing, making theatre, or something else entirely!

We’re keen to hear about their experience and where their time at LSFPA and TLC has led them, so we’ll be inviting previous members of the company to give informal talks followed by Q&A sessions on their careers and adventures.

If you are a TLC alumni, and would like to come home for a bit (in person or via Zoom), we’d love to see you, get in touch via

Project Development Strand – APPLICATIONS OPEN:  

Got an idea? Want to scratch that itch, get support from our members, and see it develop?

Why yes – of course you do!

We love a good idea, and if you’d like to propose something we’re happy to have a listen and discuss ways we could get involved

DEADLINE: There is currently no deadline – we are accepting proposals on a rolling basis and we’ll endeavour to discuss them at our next meeting. While we can’t work on everything, we promise to consider every proposal. Please complete the form below and send to Company Manager Henry Bryan via

PLEASE NOTE: This is for ideas at a very early stage of development, and you’ll need to consider ways you can work with the company membership.


Lincoln School of Creative Arts